Friday, October 10, 2008

What do You Think?

So I was just at lunch with this beaut and told her about a question I recently asked Cha Cha. With the impending election growing closer every day, it has gotten me thinking about prejudice that existed in the long ago past, the very recent past, and still today.

I don't know that I can say prejudice of one kind or another will make or break the election, but I am confident it WILL be a contributing factor to how people vote. So I would like to know what you think exists more prevalently today: racism or sexism? And why?


karlie nicole cooper. said...

oh bex. lunch was fun! here's that thing from donald miller:

karlie nicole cooper. said...

dinner tonight? i will call you after school! (sorry for this lame blog comment. facebook doesnt work at my school and my phone doesn't have signal.)

Anonymous said...

Josh posted this quote on the CP and i can't agree with it more.

"I hate that this is true for the United States, but if Barack Obama wins, it is because of racism. While the majority of Americans will look at both candidates and intelligently consider each person's stand on issues that are important to them, many African-Americans will vote for Barack Obama for no other reason than the fact that he is black. Even African-Americans who are pro-life Christians will ignore the fact that Barack Obama is on record supporting infanticide (in addition to all forms of abortion).

We accept the above as natural, yet the anchors on CNN are still trying to make the case that Barack Obama is having to fight racism to win. The fact of the matter is: racism is on his side."