Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It Made me so Happy

to discover that, on Facebook, there is an entire fan-club dedicated to the hat that Aretha Franklin wore on inauguration day.

For that, she deserves a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

L O S T (him)

Last night while at the show of a lovely friend of mine, my friend Leslie and I sat at a table with various other people. Some of them we knew, others we didn't know. It was one of those settings where it was possible to be social and talk to others, but I also wanted to hear all of the music.

However, during one of the breaks between bands, someone that had been chatting with Leslie a lot reached across the table to shake my hand and introduce himself. I discovered that they had been discussing 'Lost', so naturally I wanted to join right in.

He informed me that some friends of his were planning on re-making an episode and filming it. He told me about how he was planning on playing not one, but two characters because there were not enough people to fill all the roles. And then, he offered me the chance to be a character in their episode if I was interested.

My response, straight-faced. "Yeah, I would like to be Sawyer!"
His response, straight-faced. "No. You would have to choose a female character."

haha. It felt a little bit like a Jim vs. Dwight moment. My joke FAILed. And then I felt awkward. But it was worth it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Say What?

Why no.
The new layout/color scheme is not in honor of Valentine's Day.
Psh|as if.
But thank you for asking.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's one of those nights. As in, one of those nights where I have time to update my blog, feel obligated to update my blog since it has been so many days since the last update, but also am not sure of whether or not I have significant things to share.

So it will be a cocktail of thoughts, updates, and probably some useless information.

1. I'm still wearing the boot. For a while I was getting concerned that my tendon might not heal all the way. Because it was still bothering me a lot. Of course, going to work and standing on it for 6 or 7 hours was probably not helping it heal. Thankfully, in just the last two days or so, it has really started to feel somewhat normal again. My follow up appointment is on Monday, and I hope to get a go-ahead from the doctor to ditch the boot.
a. A friend of mine at church saw me from far away and thought I might have just been trying out a new style by wearing two different boots. I guess that could be taken in a good way?
b. A regular at Starbucks has offered to have me at his personal training gym to have a session with him to help heal the tendon. Undecided on taking him up on the offer.
c. I have gotten to a point where I forget I am wearing the boot. People ask me what happened a lot and I am taken off guard. Then I kick myself for not coming up with a cooler story regarding the reason for wearing it.
d. Due to my lack of walking ability, my dog is an absolute JOY to be around. And by JOY, I mean PEST.

2. I wonder when I will ever feel confident about what I should be doing with my life, and where I should be to do it. The bad news? It's really frustrating to just sit and let my thoughts about the future just stew. The good news? Lately I don't feel quite as uptight about knowing right away. My job has gotten beyond old. But it is a job. It meets my current needs. And it will carry me until the next thing does happen.

3. It was 0 degrees when I went out and got in my car this morning. The CD player in my car doesn't even turn on at such a temperature. When I left work, it was 12 degrees. And 12 degrees has never felt so pleasant. That is, in comparison to how I felt at 6:20 AM.

4. I thought LOST was coming on last night. But I was a week off. And then disappointed and even more annoyed that it's been so long since it has graced us with its presence. BUT. The silver-lining of the situation is that I got to watch American Idol instead - the one where they came to KC. And I know that if you read this blog you almost definitely know the same people I do. Probably introduced them to me, actually. But I just want to give a shout out to my friends whose lovely faces showed up on the episode. YOU'RE GOIN' TO HOLLYWOOD!!!

5. Iced soy chai from Starbucks seriously is divine. I drink it and literally feel euphoric. That is, until the break ends and I have to go back to the reality of work.

6. Today while I was cleaning up the bar, I heard a little voice say 'Boo!' So I turned around to find the face of my little darling nephew Micah peering over the counter, in the arms of his mom. Jeremy, Ashley, and the boys had come in to visit. Well, mostly to get a drink. But I so happened to be there, thankfully. Did my heart some good.
a. Micah and Tyler only wanted ice water to drink. Even with the other yummy options they could have gotten. Love them.

7. The end.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Old Bootleg

Ladies and Gentlemen of the blog,

It seems that I have been diagnosed as having a mild case of tendonitis. Yes, as a 23 year old. Yes, after all those years of dancing and being an active walker to classes with no indication or difficulty.

I'm not completely sure what I did to cause this issue to flare up, but it was likely the walk/run I did with Gabe on Friday. I, trying to be healthy and ambitious, pushed myself to go further than normal, as well as running more than I usually do. On Saturday I was ready to attempt this same feat but fate would have its own say in the matter: about halfway through the loop, my left foot was screaming at me in burning pain. It felt silly to even consider it but at the time I thought about calling Mom or Dad for a ride home. Gabe and I made it all the way back though, and since that day I have hobbled around, popping 800 milligram Ibuprofen in my mouth as often as is safe to do so.

I was pretty against seeing a doctor as I was confident that I would pay to be told that I 'strained a muscle' and 'should ice it and take some Tylenol.' As I went to the office I faced a strange paradox of wanting a hopeful diagnosis but also wanting to be told there was a significant problem so that the visit didn't feel in vain. In the end, I suppose the news was somewhere in the middle - the tendonitis is not severe and is fairly treatable, but to help cushion the joint I would need to be fitted for a boot.

Yes, a beaut of a boot. The staff at the medical office likened it to 'a ski boot' and 'Darth Vader'. I'm sure you all know what I am talking about. And, for the next two weeks, you might be so lucky as to encounter me wearing such a thing. And wear it I will. This freaking boot cost me $194.89 - even after insurance. Time to get my use out of it - that's more than I have ever spent even on a pair of shoes! And this is only like...half a shoe. Hmph.

The other day as I left Costco with my CANON 40D, I told Ashley that, because I spent so much money, something catostrophic would probably happen, like my car breaking down. I guess I was right, and I guess a 200 dollar boot is what it will be this time.

For the record, I do not regret the purchase of either thing - the camera is INCREDIBLE and the boot REALLY HELPS ME WALK. And God has been faithful in providing odd jobs and extra hours at work. Things will be ok. More than ok. Bootiful. haha. Alright, enough.

Friday, January 2, 2009


This is probably overdue. Actually, it IS overdue. There is nothing I can do or say to change the fact that the New Year came and went, and I totally copped out on any sort of 'Best of 2008' or 'What's to Come in 2009' sort of post.

But I am one of the world's most indecisive people. So how would I make a list of 'bests' anyway? I would surely get to the end of it only wringing my hands and wondering how long it would be until I would totally change my mind about many of the things listed or adding several new ones. And, I sort of don't like New Year's resolutions. Is it because they seem cliche to me? Or that the likelihood of me actually sticking to one for good is pretty slim? Does anyone stick to them, for that matter? You have to make it something that is realistic to accomplish to make it worthwhile...but then again you have to make it something challenging so it actually counts. Sometimes resolutions can be cheesy. And, a faint, quirky, defiant shred of something inside of me thinks that anyone should be able to make a resolution on any day of the year.

And yet in the +/-24 hours since New Year's happened, I have had some thoughts come to mind about the year 2009. Most of you know I have been beating my head against the wall for months, trying to figure out what the heck is next for Becca after school. That is, besides loan payments and watching Veronica Mars.

I intend to find out what that something else is this year. Not in an 'I will figure out my whole life' kind of way but more of a 'What is the next step?' kind of a way. A job perhaps. Working with dogs would be ideal. Living near dear people would be ideal. Which ones they are, I don't know. Or maybe I will live all alone in a completely new place. I just don't know. However: overall, I just want to be happy this year. And actually, just being happier than the PAST year would be sufficient.

I realize that I am incredibly blessed and that things could be much worse in my life. It has just taken me a long time to come to terms with some of the residual emotional gangrene 2007/2008 shoved down my throat. But 2009 can be different - will be. There is no job, boy, or other commitment in my life that holds me back from doing, well...anything I want this year. And lately, God has been teaching me that that is actually a pretty sanguine situation to be in.

Here's to 2009. Here goes everything.