Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Love, Becca

Dear Weather,
Thank you for being cold.
I love how grey you make the sky.
My long sleeved shirts and sweaters are over-joyed to be worn again.
My heart feels lighter now that it is not being strangled by the summer heat.
You rule.

Dear Eyelashes,
Thank you for growing back.
I'm so happy to see you again.
Sorry for killing you a few months ago.
I wasn't the same without you.
Please never leave again.

Dear Neighbors,
Please get a clue.
Your dogs are miserable.
Don't chain them up.
All you have to do is build a partial fence for your whole yard to be enclosed.
They are obnoxious barkers. That's because they are unhappy. Especially in the pouring rain.
I wrote down your address.
Not so I can send you this letter, but so I can send the authorities to your door if this continues.

Dear God,
Please help me sort my life out.
You rule too.



I am Bethany. said...

dear becca,
i like your face.

p.s: kiss the munchkinizzles for me tomorrow.

~LB said...

Dear becca
can I have your neighbors dogs?
K Bye

karlie nicole cooper. said...

i seriously LOVED all of those. i am glad you're in my life bex and i am glad we are friends. good luck talking today :)

run away with me to my cabin. for realz.

Julianne said...

dear becca,
when you say cold, do you mean you wore your winter coat and a scarf to work today cold? because, i did. but the good news warmed up this afternoon.
dear becca,
what happened to your eyelashes? did you do the same thing annie did in high school?
dear becca,
we just got new neighbours...and by neighbours, I mean, people living in the basement directly below us, so living in the same house...and they have a dog who reminds me of the rynye (I have no idea if that's the way you spell it).
dear becca,
that's all.

Han said...

I think maybe you sent me your address already... but can you send it again? Maybe email it to me.

rachel rianne said...


dear life

bring me back to becca soon.
please please please??

love rachel

oh and I need to talk with you. do you think you'll be in kc spring 2010?? bc I will be... wink wink

rachel rianne said...

baha wink wink is so lame

I hope we' re still friends

beccarox said...

dear becca, u r so fit, i want u more than santas want pies, like a block of cheese

beccarox said...

becca your soo fit cant wait to see you at the party itll be a right laugh hahahap.s your fit

beccarox said...

becca lovs chris 4 ever and ever

beccarox said...

becca musk loves chris T

beccarox said...

chris is gay, never =0 chris turner loves becca