Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to Tory!

She's just one day older than me! And I miss her. But I will be seeing her in just over a week, how crazy is that?

Now I have a story. It doesn't have anything to do with Tory, but I think it is worth telling.

Yesterday at work, Murad answered a phone call that came in. I wasn't really paying attention, but after a minute he was like 'Becca, it's for you.' I was pretty skeptical at first. I figured that either there was no on on the other end or it was going to be our boss or something and he just wanted to play a joke on me. No one has ever called me at work before. But, he kept a straight face and said 'No really, it's for you!'

So I picked it up.
Me: Hello?
Voice on the other end: Hi, you rang me up earlier when I came through I think.
*I get a sense of dread in my stomach, wondering what she must be calling to complain about.*
Me: Oh, ok...
Her: Do you see a guy in scrubs sitting in the cafe?
*Still not convinced I am not talking to a co-worker just trying to play a joke, I kind of laugh.*
Me: Um, well...
Her: He's in there. He has sunglasses hanging on the collar of his shirt.
*I suddenly see the man she speaks of, kind of getting creeped out MYSELF that she is talking about him, wondering if I am getting roped into some kind of assassination plan.*
Me: Oh, yeah. I see him now.
Her: Do you know if he is single?
*Seriously? SERIOUSLY? You are calling your barista to dish GOSSIP on someone?*
Me, getting more and more amused by this: haha, No, I really do not know.
Her: I was in there earlier, and I see him a lot, but I just didn't have the guts to go up and talk to him!
Me: Oh, yeah...
Her: And he doesn't wear a ring or anything, but in his line of work that doesn't mean a thing!
Me: Yeah, true...
Her: So you don't know if he comes in there with anyone ever?
*Unable to even recognize the guy, let alone keep tabs on his hypothetical main squeeze, I am at a loss for words.'
Me: No, I don't really know him. At all.
Her: Oh, ok...well, how old do you think he is?
Me: Oh, wow, um...I don't know, 20's or 30's maybe? I only have a side profile view of his face.
Her: Yeah, he seems pretty young!
Me: Yeah...
Her: Well, your mission, if you choose to accept it...
*oh crap* to find out more information about him!
Me: hahaha
Her: I am in there all the time and I know you work quite a bit.
Me: haha Ok, well I don't know but if I am able to find anything out I will let you know.
Her: Ok, thank you!
Me: Sure, bye.

hahahah. It felt sort of inappropriate, but funny and almost a little sweet at the same time. She must have a maaaajor crush if she was willing to call Starbucks, ask for the girl at the register who apparently looks like she might know all of the juicy details, and ask the questions she needs answers to. If the guy's not married, I kind of hope they get together because it would be kind of lovely.

And then Starbucks would give me a raise for being the best Barista/customer service agent/MATCHMAKER they ever had.


hootenannie said...

That's an amazing story! I hope that they get together, too - because then you could be their flower girl.

By the way, two of my blog readers (who I also know in real life) (who I cannot name right now because it's still on the DL) live across the country from each other, and met in the comment section of my blog. They started reading each other's blogs, then commenting back and forth, then emailing, then calling, and now have flown across the country to meet in person twice. And they like each other.

HOLLA! I am a connector!

~LB said...

Thats too funny, by the way happy birthday

Anonymous said...

i just now saw this!!!!! i didn't check your blog yesterday. facebec blog check fail.

thank youuuu! i miss youuuu but i'll be seeing you sooo soooon.

pS. your story is absolutely hilarious! that woman/girl is brilliant!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Laura said...

It's like Best in Show when the two laywers see each other at different Starbucks and then fall in love. HAHA!

Julianne said...

OKay, that is HILARIOUS! Best one I've heard in a while!