Thursday, May 22, 2008

Truck For Sale

It really happened. I got my Subaru Forester!! It doesn't have heated seats, but I can certainly deal with that. Oh, ESPECIALLY with the season we are about to enter. It is such a great car! I love how much head room it has, the way it doesn't guzzle gas, the fact that it has a compass in it, the low miles, and how it has a CD AND tape player! Gabe loves it too. He now has a whole back seat to stretch out on instead of a bucket seat (or half of a bucket seat in the extended cab). People will no longer have to cringe at the lack of leg room when riding with me. And what could be more 'Colorado'?

Of course, this means I will now have to kiss my pretty Tacoma goodbye. And guys, it makes me more sad than you might think. He's been a good and faithful friend, a steadfast transporter over the last five years. I will now have to be much more careful when rounding corners and going over speed bumps. I will no longer be able to help people move furniture. And, let's face it. The sex appeal of a truck versus a station wagon is pretty skewed. I kid. But seriously.

All things considered, I am excited to have a new car to grow attached to, and I don't think it will be difficult. Come for a ride in the Sube sometime. We can listen to tapes OR CDs, smell the clean cotton air freshener, and not get lost because it has a compass.


karlie nicole cooper. said...

we get to go on a road trip/to a wedding together this weekend. what fun. maybe in your shiny new car??

bad diary days said...

subarus rule. congrats.

also i found this and thought of you:


Laura said...

Congrats on your new purchase! I can't wait for the day when I get a new vehicle...although, by the time that happens it might have to be a minivan :-(

Anonymous said...

Yay for the Subaru!!!

Liz said...

Congratulations on your new car, blog friend.

I met Hannah the other day. You pick good friends.

Can I tell you about my car?

It's a white Ford Tempo from the year 1994. It has maroon interior. A disco ball on the rear-view mirror. The front bumber has passed away. There is a big dent on the roof where I think someone sat on once. My window doesn't go down. It's totaled.

I say this in honor of your past transporter, I wanted to share in the sadness of losing such a faithful supporter in your life.

I am here for you.