Sunday, July 19, 2009

grumpy old woman

i thought of a form of torture last night.

1. have someone sleep in a very hot bedroom. top floor of the house, no ac, just one window to open. (make sure said room faces the street outside.)
2. release stupid, white, drunk, immature, disrespectful college kids into the street outside. wait for the yelling to commence. (best if person in hot room has just drifted off to sleep when the yelling starts.)
3. allow it to continue for an extended period of time.
4. watch as sleep becomes impossible.

i couldn't have thought this one up on my own - you have to experience it to believe it.


Han said...

Yikes. Hey- if you really do love HOT then come on down to Alabama! Great fun for hot lovers everywhere.

And bug lovers.

And redneck lovers.

Sean said...

do you have A/C now?