Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rotten Apple...AGAIN

For the second time in its short two-year lifespan, my computer ate it. As in, won't turn on and probably will be completely wiped clean by Apple, ate it. Last time, it was a fried logic board. This incident was eerily similar in nature, so maybe I'm dealing with the same thing again. I am still quite the fan of Apple, but really? Twice in two years? Does anyone else have such luck? (Or should I say lack thereof...)

I will survive. I can deal with not checking my email from my bed, or watching a movie as I go to sleep. I'll get over not being able to edit pictures for a while. But you guys. MY RESUME IS ON THAT COMPUTER. And I need a job. EORTIJLFGJDSLJKFSLDJFKSALDFJKAS

Sometimes, all we can do is suck it up and wait. I have a roof over my head, friends to live and laugh with, and the world's greatest dog. I think that all makes a computer seem a little less important.

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