Saturday, July 11, 2009

if i was something found in a household, it would probably be a lazy susan.

Well, it took me a while. A long while. But after almost two months of being unemployed, I think I am finally reaching the point of 'I do not want to live out of a suitcase any more.' And also, 'I want to stay in one place for a while.' (aka longer than a few weeks here and there). I might even be ready to look for a job again. And even contemplate the option of GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. Sick. But good. Stay tuned for more on that matter.

On the other hand, my current lifestyle is wonderfully conducive to a day of recovery from all the travel. I feel embarassed even admitting this, but here is what today looked like:

11:00 am - woke up.
12:30 pm - went back to bed.
3:30 pm - woke up. Had lunch.
4:00 pm - watched 'The O.C.' and talked to sweet Tory.
5:00 pm - fed the dogs. Uploaded FAILs to Facebook. Drank coffee.
6:30 pm - talked to sweet Megan.

and now, here I am. Still unshowered, starting to feel somewhat awake, and doing laundry. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel guilty for having a day like this. But then again, what else would I be doing? Ok. Showering might be one option.

Anyway, I am looking forward to having some sort of settled feeling in a month or so. To be challenged. And molded. And invested in something worthwhile.

That's all really.

For now, I am hanging out with my doggies. It brings an amazing amount of contentment.


adam paul said...

the oc is, and forever will be, my favorite tv show. seth cohen is one of my biggest role models.

~LB said...

love the oc love you and maybe you should be an intern at our church

Paul said...

Uh, could I please do that one day, just one day before I die? When did the rules change that say that I get to work 18 hours a day? Sigh.

Your father