Wednesday, December 24, 2008

If you're going to sell dogs...

Please refrain from allowing spelling and grammatical errors to run rampant in your ads. In fact, do me a favor and do not sell dogs at all. Because 'Doberman Pinchers', 'German Shepards', 'Dashounds/Dachshounds/Docksunds/Dachshuhnds/Weener dogs', 'Pomerians' and 'Shnauzers' do not exist. When you say you have 'purebread' puppies, some strange images come to mind.

Example A:

And for those of you buying a dog, don't support breeders like those. If they can't even spell their own dogs, that's just a bad sign.

This post was inspired while perusing through online classified ads for dogs. No, I cannot have another one. No, I am not highly considering another one...yet. I just look for fun sometimes. Is that nerdy? Probably no more-so than knowing all about how to spell different breeds and then ranting about it when people get them wrong.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!


adam paul said...

this is absolutely hilarious.

~LB said...

I look at dog ads all the time. I want one but it will be a couple of months. Either Jeff is getting one for me for our one year or I am getting him one so, a dog is in the Byrne future. What's your feelings on pound puppies??? Hey we are coming to KC either sat. night or sun morning. Can we see you??? LOVES!!!

Tory said...

AHHH i love you!!! we are the same!!!!!

1. i look at dog ads all the time.i even pick up little nickels at the grocery store just to look through the dog section
2. and i think we've talked about the misspelling of "breeders" in ads before, haven't we?? i did tell you about the time i called for a dachshund ad in the paper and the later said "what breed are you interested in? the poodles or the Dash Hounds?" she literally thought it was pronounced dash hound.

bec said...

adam - thank you for your support.
laura - umm, LOVE pound puppies. hence the reason we have four of them haha. oh my gosh oh my gosh, you are probably here now! LET'S HANG OUT!
tory - (i almost called you lucky), i knew you would understand!! haha especially regarding dachshunds. i mean, dash-hounds. AHHH!