Tuesday, December 2, 2008

At Least I Won't Outgrow Gabe

I want to tell you a story about stuffed animals.

I was one of those very sentimental kids. Which probably means I am one of those sentimental half-grown ups now. But anyway. Every one of my stuffed animals had a name and identity of its own and I pretty much kept very close track of all of them. I was the kid who would go to a yard sale and feel the need to 'rescue' the forgotten stuffies I would find there. Bottom line: I believed they had feelings and needed a 'home' (just imagine the nightmare of walking into a pet store or animal shelter with me).

As I got older and realized I probably did not need 468693 stuffed animals, I made the decision to get rid of some of them at our yard sale we were about to have. It wasn't necessarily a mindless, easy decision, but I told myself it was time and I really thought if other kids could enjoy them, it would be worth my own anxiety over it.

Well, the day of the yard sale came, and everything was out to be sold. I think an animal or two was taken here and there for the first little bit. It was fine. And then, this kind of older man came and started stuffing a grocery bag full of my old animals. My parents only had the mindset to get rid of everything, not make a lot of money. So I think my mom was egging him on, telling him to take as many as he wanted.

And as he came to pay, he said something like 'Oh man, my Rottweiler is going to LOVE these. He destroys them so fast, we have to buy lots at yard sales to keep up with him!'


By then it would have been too late to throw a fit and save my old friends. He gave his money, took his bag full of my memories and childhood, and he was gone to sacrifice them to the hairy dog.

Life lesson fail.


rachel rianne said...

hahahaha oh becca.
for real.

~LB said...

Haha I laughed out loud at your story. That's too funny. But you love stuffed animals and dogs so maybe it's how they wanted it to end.

This is the tragedy of the year.

Anonymous said...

That's so sad! My childhood stuffie was a lamb named "Baa Baa Sheep"...

My parents also gave it away and it makes me sad.

To this day I own one stuffed animal, a bear from my ex-boyfriend's mother. How pathetic is that??

Rachel said...

Excellent post, Beccarista! Standing Ovation!

And I sypmathize with your plight, I may or may not have a dozen stuffies still lurking in boxes (and maybe one in my bed...)

Sara said...


I like to read your stories.
Even when they are tragic...

Also, we are having a Christmas party! I don't have your email address and don't want to send you the evite in case of creepy stalkers...BUT ask Lauren or Karlie and know you are most definitely welcome! :)

bec said...

i might still have some stuffed animals too...plural.

mostly just the dog ones though.

but gabe is the best one.

thank you all for your sympathies! :)

sara, i will ask the girls about your party!