Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Did you know...

It takes just 1.3 seconds for cause and effect to take place with a dog. That means if you are going to reinforce or punish a behavior they exhibit you had better be darn quick about it - 1.3 seconds to be exact. They live in the moment; so, as frustrating as it can be, if your dog pees on the floor and you don't actually watch them do it, you might as well forget about punishing them because they will only associate that with the very last thing they did. Same with chewing up the couch, running out the front door...

Those gnarly, 'Medieval-esque' pinch collars you sometimes see dogs wearing are not inhumane. Well, not if they are used correctly. They deliver a series of small pinches all around the neck that are much like how a mother dog disciplines her puppies when they are young.

Dogs' nails have a 'quick' which is what makes them bleed if it is cut. Basically it's a vein that runs part way down their nail. But, if you are diligent about keeping your dog's toenails trimmed, the quick will not grow as long, making your job easier.

Puppies go through several stages as they grow up, each of which is crucial to their development. In certain phases, a traumatic experience could effect them for the rest of their life. They should not be separated from their mother and siblings until 7 or 8 weeks of age so that they can learn proper behavior and body language when interacting with other dogs and later with people.

If a dog bristles its hair all the way from the neck to the tail, it is due to fear. If its hair is only up around the shoulders, it is due to aggression.

I'll never look at dogs the same way. I knew they were complex, but not THIS complex. I apologize in advance if I seem like a dog Nazi when I get out of school. But I honestly already have a new perception of how they learn and the best way to make communication clear with them. What else are they going to fill 10 hour days up with for 16 weeks???

I loved Gabe before I got here, but he really seems to be a special dog. And I know I am biased and everything but he has got the best personality in the world! He can be crazy and playful, but also can lay on a place bed for an hour lecture (well, if he has a bone). He loves EVERYONE and is so happy just to be a part of everything. When he heels, he prances, and everyone in the class melts. Yes, I know, he is the greatest.

I'm still glad to be here over all. There are rough moments and frustrations, but I am soaking up what I am learning. My heart is still in pain - a lot of it. And that in itself is exhausting. Sometimes I just want to roll over on my back and tell God 'I give up. Please just hit me with lightning or something.' But I keep putting one foot in front of the other, and I suppose that will get me somewhere someday.


hootenannie said...

"Did you know...?"

No. None of those things.

Anonymous said...

that is the most i have ever learned about dogs in one blog post. or in general and it was absolutely interesting! dogs are just like humans! so profound.

and i love that last paragraph you wrote. i have thought the same exact words "hit me with lightning" or something. hahah. you definitely are something b. :)