Monday, January 5, 2009

Old Bootleg

Ladies and Gentlemen of the blog,

It seems that I have been diagnosed as having a mild case of tendonitis. Yes, as a 23 year old. Yes, after all those years of dancing and being an active walker to classes with no indication or difficulty.

I'm not completely sure what I did to cause this issue to flare up, but it was likely the walk/run I did with Gabe on Friday. I, trying to be healthy and ambitious, pushed myself to go further than normal, as well as running more than I usually do. On Saturday I was ready to attempt this same feat but fate would have its own say in the matter: about halfway through the loop, my left foot was screaming at me in burning pain. It felt silly to even consider it but at the time I thought about calling Mom or Dad for a ride home. Gabe and I made it all the way back though, and since that day I have hobbled around, popping 800 milligram Ibuprofen in my mouth as often as is safe to do so.

I was pretty against seeing a doctor as I was confident that I would pay to be told that I 'strained a muscle' and 'should ice it and take some Tylenol.' As I went to the office I faced a strange paradox of wanting a hopeful diagnosis but also wanting to be told there was a significant problem so that the visit didn't feel in vain. In the end, I suppose the news was somewhere in the middle - the tendonitis is not severe and is fairly treatable, but to help cushion the joint I would need to be fitted for a boot.

Yes, a beaut of a boot. The staff at the medical office likened it to 'a ski boot' and 'Darth Vader'. I'm sure you all know what I am talking about. And, for the next two weeks, you might be so lucky as to encounter me wearing such a thing. And wear it I will. This freaking boot cost me $194.89 - even after insurance. Time to get my use out of it - that's more than I have ever spent even on a pair of shoes! And this is only like...half a shoe. Hmph.

The other day as I left Costco with my CANON 40D, I told Ashley that, because I spent so much money, something catostrophic would probably happen, like my car breaking down. I guess I was right, and I guess a 200 dollar boot is what it will be this time.

For the record, I do not regret the purchase of either thing - the camera is INCREDIBLE and the boot REALLY HELPS ME WALK. And God has been faithful in providing odd jobs and extra hours at work. Things will be ok. More than ok. Bootiful. haha. Alright, enough.


~LB said...

I want to go on a picture taking time with you. I think your boot will be helpful but it does suck to cost that much and you only got one. Ok miss you miss becca

Laura said...

Great camera! You should become a professional doggy photographer/trainer for the rich!

Laura said...

Great camera! You should become a professional doggy photographer/trainer for the rich!