Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This Post Does Not Flow Well

The lodge we stayed at in Whistler was sooo nice. I think the final number of us staying there was 26. Even with so many people, it never felt crowded. Each room had its own bathroom, too! It was definitely a classy house, within walking distance of the village. Here is what it looked like outside and in...

Not bad, hmm?

I feel like this trip was forever ago already. And it's been what, two weeks? How does that happen? And also, how is it almost October? And continuing on that note, how can it still be 80 degrees outside? FOR YOUR INFORMATION: I am thankful that it's not as humid as it was this summer. It has been much much better lately. And I appreciate it. I just want to know when my long sleeved shirts can return to society. And my drawer full of scarves. I've never lived here during this season, so I don't really know what to expect.

On a slight-tangent-yet-still-on-the-same-topic, I am baffled by how different my life is currently than how it was just a year ago. Just read back to last September's blogs if you need proof. What I am slightly discouraged about is that last year at this time, I felt lost...and now, this year, I still feel lost. In a much more hopeful manner. But lost, nonetheless. Some people seem to have such clear direction and ambition in their lives. I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous of those people.

But I discovered a dog that is on various TV shows/ads that looks SO MUCH LIKE GABE! So I think I should contact the trainer and see if she thinks Kuma needs a body double, and then Gabe and I can just go tag along on all of their endeavors. Does he not look like he could be Gabe's brother???


~LB said...

I saw another movie that has a dog named blaze I think its a digital movie like toy story he also looks like gabe

bec said...

laura, my friend was telling me the same thing about that movie! i have to see it. karlie mann told me she thinks it looks absolutely stupid. but it's GABE we're talking about here. of course i will support that movie.

bec said...

or maybe actually his name is bolt.

Anonymous said...

Jesus said, "I have not lost one of those you gave me" to the Father in John 18 fulfilling the prophesy of John 6. So, be encouraged and don't feel lost, you're right where God has you! I know that I never had "life-direction" all figured out, I just trusted God with the day to day and He took care of the rest. Seriously. The only reason I found my career and life goals was God speaking to me in the form of "free pizza". True story! I think you'll find that true of most people whom God has shown them their direction. Also, I would seriously put your resume up on and see what happens. I still think this whole thing could be a God-purtnity. God bless!
-"Your Best Nightmare!"
-from the iPhone in traffic! Haha! I love this phone!

Han said...

I think I need to live there.

karlie nicole cooper. said...

haha yes, bolt does look dumb - sorry bec. but i give you permission to see it because of gabe.