Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Several Things

Yesterday morning, Gabe came pretty much as close as he could to being hit by a car. I had him out in the front yard at about 6 AM, figuring there would be little to no activity going on at that time. He happened to see a rabbit that I hadn't seen, however, and immediately dashed after it. It was clear that he was going to run all the way across the street, and it was as I watched him increase speed and distane away from me that I realized there was a car coming at the very same time. I just felt every bone, muscle, and vessel in my body tense up like they would never decompress again, and a wave of fear washed over me. I desperately called him with increasing volume. The last time I screamed so loud I am pretty sure I woke up the entire neighborhood as I witnessed him running RIGHT in front of the car. He never even flinched or slowed down. The car may or may not have seen him, but they sure didn't brake even a little bit. I don't think I took another breath until I saw him reach the other side of the road, missing the car by inches. And then, the rabbit was gone, and he trotted back over to me like nothing had ever happened.

Gabe is so important to me, if you haven't been able to detect that by now. Apart from the other Parsons, he IS my family. If I lived on my own, all I would have is him. He has been with me through one of the toughest years of my life. His sunny personality brings me the happiest moments of my day. He is God's gift to me. Needless to say, I would have been absolutely devastated had yesterday turned out any differently. God was so gracious to spare Gabe from a potentially fatal accident, and I thank Him continually for timing that event just the way he did. I am often reminded of how oblivious dogs can be to our world (such as the way moving cars can inflict damage) and how much they rely on us. I don't ever want to fail Gabe, because he never fails me from day to day.

Now, in somewhat of a weird transition, I have a new video of Gabe doing another trick. But before you watch it, I would just like to say that it's sooo annoying to hear my own voice! And I don't think it helps that I am talking to a dog in all of these videos. Basically I sound like a blubbering idiot. But it's a cute trick, so I am paying the price.

Finally, I am now sponsoring a little girl name Sandra from Uganda every month. She is only 7 years old, and both of her parents are deceased already. I don't know much else about her yet except that her favorite subject is English. I highly encourage any of you to check out the organization I am helping her through - Food for the Hungry. I look forward to writing letters to her and learning more about her, and hopefully letting her know that even from across the world, she is loved.

Colorado in one day.


~LB said...

oh gabe, silly dumb move on his part, I am glad he is ok. oh and have fun in Colorado!!!

Laura said...

I think you have a very cute voice! At least you sound like a girl, which is more than I can say for my own recorded voice ;-)

Ash said...

Your voice sounds just fine! Not like mine, I sound like a drunk lumberjack on tape. I'm a friend of Hannah's, by the way, and your blog is great. Gabe is my glad he's ok!

rachel rianne said...

haha see everyone likes your voice.
you should do video updates of yourself and chelsea clinton.


miss you.

Han said...

PS can you come see me PLEASE? I think it would be super cool to see you. Also, I cant watch videos at work for some reason but I will watch Gabe at home. I am so glad he is ok... I cant even imagine. Plus the driver didnt slow down? Better have had a really good reason... like driving blind.

My friend Ash commented on this blog, and not to be pushy but you should both be blog friends. Both of you are supremely entertaining...

That's all.

Han said...

Gabe is so freakin cute!!!! Good job!

Rachel said...

You have a lovely blog. And I like you. And Gabe the Babe lots and lots. It has been far too long since I've seen you.

rachel rianne said...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeere are you???