Monday, June 23, 2008

The other day, I ran across the familiar verse of James 1:17: 'Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.' It just made me get to thinking about how many good things I have in my life, and how they are all from His hand. It was good to have that encouragement, as I have been rather discouraged lately. A trip to Colorado on Friday will undoubtedly be full of good things, and I would like to say that I am so much more than ready for it! In fact, my suitcase is already sitting out in my room - I just haven't put anything in it yet. Don't be surprised if you never hear from me again, cause Gabe and I are planning to find a cave and live in it. But if you want to come too, you're allowed.

Want to hear something gross? I have a wart on my finger. At least, I think it is a wart. I've given up on waiting for it to magically disappear, so I am now putting this flesh-eating goo on it in hopes that it will disintegrate. So far, I think it is working. Maybe I will keep you updated on that. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe it's just too much of a stretch to write a blog when all you have to talk about is a wart.

And finally. I am doing my part to promote this video that I am in! Sarah is in it too. You just have to look closely. The song is just a joke but it was pretty fun filming in a grocery store while customers had the most interesting shopping experience of their lives.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a funny video. Well, I hope you enjoy your trip to Colorado! And you're heading up to Edmonton when you come to Canada? Very exciting! I live in Ontario, but out west the landscape is gorgeous.

hootenannie said...

Your warts have returned? Ick. Don't touch me - when we're in the car for FOURTEEN HOURS on Friday.