Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some S's

I have been bad about posting, and that is bad. But it's good too, because I have actually been busy, which hasn't happened in ages.

Sara Colon was out here for her Spring Break, and we had so much fun spending time together!

Starbucks has fully infiltrated my life. I am really enjoying it overall so far. The people who work there are all so nice and most of them actually work hard! Which is a change from my previous jobs.

Sleep is not an option when you wake up for a 5 am shift.

Soy lattes for free are more amazing than soy lattes for over 3 dollars.

Saved by Jesus - Easter came and went and it was really fun to have everyone here.

See 'Hot Rod'. It's funny.

Stupid theme to a silly post?


hootenannie said...

Snuggle with GreebSSSS.

khool, man. Maybe someday I'll do a post like this. Any idea for letters? Not X. That's just mean.

Sarah said...

Maybe Annie can start a 24 day series after her current one..

all letters but s and x.

that kind of resembles...SIX. mind out of the gutter.

My name starts with S and I wasn't included.

bec said...


annie should do a 24 day series. hosted by jack bauer!

sarah, your name is fessoo.

Sarah said...

I passed out (nearly) when there wasn't any cutting. His lunch just smelled funny.

i had something else to say but i forgot. it's too early.