Monday, November 19, 2007

Texas: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

As I close in on 8 weeks here in Texas and the halfway point of my school program, I think a list is due to discuss the pro's and con's of this state.

Let's start with the bad:

1. The bugs. Honestly, if you thought the bugs where you live are have not seen anything until you've lived in the south. I killed a SCORPION in my house a few days ago. Yeah, that's right. Gabe found it first, was trying to play with it, but thankfully didn't get close enough to get stung. I, not knowing how to best kill a scorpion, could only grab my tennis shoe and slam that nasty thing. Forcefully, and many times. It was so gross, people!

2. The lack of seasons. It is currently STILL hitting the 80's 6 days out of 7 here. And it's almost Thanksgiving. Furthermore, it's almost December! My favorite season of Fall seems to have been skipped altogether. Summer here is hottest, then comes 'Winter' which Also, the tree leaves don't change. Except to brown.

3. Humidity. And I thought KC was bad.

4. Gas prices. For being so known for its oil wells, Texas sure isn't cutting any breaks for its inhabitants to fill up.

There are some good things too:

1. The skies. Texas has the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises! I happen to be awake for both these days. It's very open and the clouds are always just right to catch the color of the sun on them.

2. is cool. Too bad I can't go there more.

3. Gabe is here.

I think I'm in the wrong state.

Don't worry, I am doing alright overall. But I would be very thankful to live in the West in the future. : )


Jack Ensor said...

Hang in there Becca!

Sarah said...

I thought it said

I'm doing alright IN overalls.

I was thinking, now Becca is going back to 7th grade! Where are the Pooh shirts???

rachel rianne said...


Anonymous said...

the west is where it's at b.

i need to talk to you soon.
best of luck with this week!!
i hope everything works out dear.