Monday, September 24, 2007

I don't really know where to start today. I am currently dealing with some of the worst pain I have ever encountered in my entire life. Pain that takes away my appetite. Pain that is with me from the second I wake up until the second I finally escape into sleep. Pain that will bring on tears at the drop of the hat and it is totally out of my control. Pain due to a broken heart.

Most anyone who reads this knows the story. Or at least enough of it to know where I am coming from. So, I don't find it necessary to write about the details here. Furthermore, it would be disrespectful and everything is still so fresh that I prefer not to even begin. What I know I can and should share is how I feel inside. It's something I have never been good at, but I better get darn good practice at it in the upcoming months.

The biggest part of me is still in shock. I literally can sit in a daze for who knows how long just telling myself 'This is over. We are not together any more.' So far my mind has had a rough go of things convincing my heart of these things. Maybe because the majority of my heart still belongs to someone else. This was not an expected decision I would have to make and it was over so fast. No easing into things, no sinking in. Just in my face, instantaneous and downright savage in nature.

To make things more painful, I had my trust betrayed by someone who was exceptionally close to me. Someone who I share an endless amount of memories with (which is all the more apparent since this all happened). Someone who I gave my loyalty, respect, and care to as only Becca Parsons does. I suppose that although my love for him is the very thing that makes this so difficult, it has been an extremely redeeming factor in the whole process. I do not feel anger. I do not feel pride or vengeance. I feel love and compassion for someone who has wronged me. I am also currently learning that I need to better love myself and that has been a big part of my reasoning behind this split. Sure, I could ease the current turmoil and pain I feel by going back to the way things were. I could continue to be treated unfairly but get rid of this hurt. Instead, I made a choice to protect my heart. That decision just so happened to require ripping it open.

I must keep a perspective regarding the situation that acknowledges the big picture. I have no idea what the future holds, or what God's sovereign plan is for my life. But I know He is here, and I know He is not going to leave me hanging. He is also going to take care of the one I love. My faith is most definitely being put to the ultimate test. A humanly, sinful part of me dares to tell God that I think I can do a better job of looking after him. That somehow I can heal him or change his mind. I know I am mistaken, and even as I read back on these sentences I can see how foolish that train of thought is. It certainly is difficult to keep that in my mind and heart though, and it is endlessly frustrating to be battling the lies that bombard me from every angle.

This situation would be immensely more horrific if I did not have 1. faith in Christ and 2. the support of the most wonderful, caring people in the world. My Mom to hold me on the couch as I sob. My three sisters who call me just to check in, bring me a soy latte, or offer a listening ear. My Dad who would make a detour on his 14 hour drive just to give me a hug and give me some sound advice. My brother who would provide sincere sympathy and kind words. A best friend who shared in my tears, made sure I did not skip every meal, hugged me over and over, listened for hours and sat at an ice cream shop with me to draw dogs like old times. A college friend who did not hesitate to pay for my pita. Former roommates who play with my hair, share their bed with me, and beg me to move back in with them. Even friends across the country who have taken time from their hectic schedules to have an hour long conversation with me or send me text messages to let me know they are simply thinking of me. I am beyond blessed to have every one of them in my life. I can't even begin to imagine where I would be right now without every kind word, gesture, and prayer they have offered up for me.

As I move towards school, something I have anticipated for so long, a sense of fear and anxiety has now begun to set in. Leaving familiarity is the last thing I want to do right now. I long for what I had just days ago. And yet I know that God will do so much with a new slate in my life. I absolutely hate how much sadness is inside of me right now but it causes me to be vulnerable and fragile, and all walls are down. This allows Him to move me in ways I never would otherwise.

I cannot sugar coat this. There is a dull ache inside of me that does not let off. Just when I think I may have things under control or I feel more composed, I choke again. This will probably be the case for a long time. Time that drags on. But I do believe that God is close to the broken hearted, and I am experiencing that first hand.


hootenannie said...

Wow. I love you. Wow.

This is a beautifully articulated picture of pain. We are all so proud of you and how you are handling this. It SUUUUUUUUCKS. But you are so impressive in your simultaneous vulnerability and strength.

You have an army of people praying for you. Keep that heart of yours soft - God never wastes anything. ANYTHING.

See you tomorrow at the airport, with Greebs, and maybe Micah (he told me today, "I would like to go pick up Becca at the airport with you, Annie.") :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are coming home tomorrow - and at the same time am so thankful that those nearest and dearest to you have gotten to love on you in these first fragile days. You are an amazing woman, Becca - and I am confident (well, still praying!!) that God has every good gift waiting for you in your future - including Austin in just a week. Safe travels tomorrow. I love you.

Jeremy Parsons said...

Yes, love is coming to you from me via our computers. I don't know what to say, just that I'm here for you.

Sarah said...

I can't wait to see you so I can give you a big hug. I hate not being able to see you face to face in our conversations. See you thursday hopefully!


I'm honored to be one of the "three sisters." I'm hurting for you and with you - every time I think of it. I'm also so proud of you and who you are - you are truly a priceless woman, a crown to whoever will be blessed enough to win your heart fully someday. so much love to you - SO much love!

Anonymous said...

Beccoo I love you SO much. SO MUCH.

I am currently reading pretty much your entire blog and loving it, but I thought I should leave a comment first. I am praying for you and thinking of you a lot, and I am amazed by you (as always). You are such an inspiration to me.

I am glad you are with your family now to find comfort with them, and I hope that you find the strength to be excited for deeoog skeeool even though you are scared and aching inside all at the same time. You and greebs are going to amaze everyone at Triple Crown.

Well, that is all...except for what I can never ever say enough: I LUVOO

Anonymous said...

hey b, i just want to say that i have never read something so beautifully written that describes a situation such as this. you are an incredible writer. i felt my own heart break when i read the first half but it healed itself when i read the second half. you have no idea how much i admire your steadfast faith in the Lord. to know that He will bring you through this, and you are right He stays closest to the broken hearted ones. i am sure you know by now that no matter how far we are i am ALWAYS here for you. always. i am here to support to care with whatever it is you desire to discuss. you are one of the sweetest people i have ever met, and i feel blessed to have you in my life.

you are just so wonderful.
and i love reading your blogs.
i have one too, but it's on livejournal and friends only. :( i only have a few public entires. i put the site on there anyways. (it's a really stupid username, sorry, i made it when i was like 14. hahah)