Saturday, November 15, 2008

This Day's a Spinning Circus on a Wheel

So...I'm back in Kansas now.

It was a blur of a week gone; certainly had its ups and downs - but God really took care of me out there. Took care of me personally and also through other people. And even though I left with an empty spot inside of me accompanied by a dull ache of sorts, He has taken much of the razor sharp edge off of the pain. For that, I am truly thankful. He is faithful. And He blessed me with fun times with friends. Just look.

Props to Misses Tory and Shefali and their uncanny ability to take good pictures. There were too many fun ones to use less than this many. Oh, and it's unanimous - Tory and Shefali are BEAUTIFUL.

So now it's back to the norm. I was welcomed back to reality with a nice 4 AM awakening to open at Starbucks. I'm not 100% sure what will happen with the job I interviewed for - but mornings like this one certainly give me ample motivation to do something to change my job.

Don't get me wrong - there were many perks to arriving back here. Not the least of which would be sweet Gabe and the hyperactive wiggle fest he bestowed me with upon seeing me through the car window. Parents waiting to welcome me back. Numerous friends' phone calls, text messages, and emails. I don't know what I am doing or where I am going or how I should be feeling. But maybe for today it's ok to just be. And enjoy today's blessings.

If you live near me, let's hang out.


~LB said...

I am so glad you are back!! If I lived closer we would hang out! Up until those pictures we weren't sure just how pretty you are miss becca but now we know for a fact that you are beautiful and I am not trying to hit on you, it's the truth

Anonymous said...

i miss you.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!!! And.. I give you credit for getting up so early and making people their morning coffee. You're a hero. I bet a lot of people wouldn't get through their day if it weren't for you! But if you change jobs, I hope you don't have to get up that early!

Han said...

Hahaha- well, I think you are VERY beautiful!!