Monday, February 4, 2008

It is really pretty surreal to be post-college now. And post-dog training school too. I figure there must be lots of other people in my shoes right now, trying to figure out what to do next and how to function as not a student for the first time in what felt like at times a million years.

The thing is, people my age either seem to be still in school, or married/having a baby. I'm not saying this for a pity party, but how come there are so few people at the same point in life as me? Or, if they do exist, where are they? It would be neat to find them...

I'm determined to make this work. I'm determined not to crumble and give up. I just hope I don't run into a lot of closed doors in this new chapter, because it is so easy to get discouraged lately, and confusion is always clouding my thoughts. I never, ever would have pictured myself in this place even six months ago. How does life just grab hold of us and toss us around without so much as a warning? I didn't go looking for trouble. I would even venture to say that I try to stay away from trouble, mostly. Trouble got me anyway. I worry sometimes about how I will come out on the other side of things. But I guess all we can really do when things feel like this is to put another foot out in front of the other.

There are some good things about life in the past few days, however.
-Family. Especially Micah and the Leej! They are some of the best happiness-bringers ever to walk this earth.
-No. More. School. For real this time.
-Sleeping in til 8. When was the last time that happened?
-Playing my guitar. I picked it up a bunch today!
-The dogs. Every last hair on all 4 of them.
-LOST was amazing.

Sometimes I wonder why I keep this blog. On a scale of 1-10, how choppy and random is it anyway?


Jack Ensor said...

Choppy? As in consistency of volume? You get a 10.

Random? a solid 5. It's just what we expect.

Congratulations Becca. Even if you didn't pick my name for your business.

Julianne said...

Hey the Becca, Just wanted to say that I'm proud of you--I think it's great that you went to dog training will be fun to see what unfolds for you in the next months and years. As for wondering where people are who are in the same phase of life...I've been there...not always an easy place to me, but look for the gifts that those in different phases can offer you and what you can offer them. I'll keep reading this random choppy blog to see how your life is going!

Anonymous said...

keep blogging!!! i lov to hear your heart. -genny
and yes LOST was awesome.

hootenannie said...

I will be seeing you on THURSDAY!!!!!! I will bring excitement and joy to your Kansas world.

Rebecca said...

Becca, I am loving reading your blog. It has been soooo long since I have actually talked to you. But reading your blog, gives me a window into your soul and a picture of the wonderful woman you have become. Thank you for writing and please don't stop!

Jeremy Parsons said...

Sleeping in until 8? 8???? Nice.

Happiness for Micah and Leej is all you can eat pancakes and sausage with their aunties.