Saturday, February 23, 2008

All Features Great and Small...

I stumbled across this last night. And, needless to say, I was quite astounded. This guy must have a broken jaw or something! And possibly lips made of saltwater taffy.

My mouth, on the other hand, is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Pulled teeth, an expander, braces twice, and tooth SHAVING (yes, they SHAVED some of my teeth) are what it took to get my mouth into shape. I also found my first retainer a while back and it is practically no bigger than a quarter!

I wish I could take credit for these little drawings but they are actually just something I discovered on a website. Anyway, this is more like my mouth.

1 comment:

rachel rianne said...

yeah! small mouths!

i don't know if we should be excited or sad together.
