Thursday, January 3, 2008

I suck...

at updating lately.

My grand total for December posts? 2. I wish I could say this is because I have a sparkling social life...but alas, I think I have just been either wrapped up with school things or driving across states. I am, after all, spending at least 62 hours in the car over my Christmas break.

I DO have some news about my business though. I have chosen to call it 'Tallyho Training Company'. For those of you who don't know, 'tallyho' is the word that my old 4-H leader taught us to use to release our dogs at the end of an exercise. It only seemed appropriate to incorporate it into something more permanent. So, good job Dad for suggesting it, and thank you to everyone else who gave their votes!

Happy New Year. And merry Christmas. I missed a couple holidays.

Back to school in three days. Then it's four uphill weeks til I am TOTALLY done with school. Forever. Help?


Jack Ensor said...

OK, how about a compromise. Tallyho Boot Polishing.

Final offer.

Jeremy Parsons said...

Tallyho airline pilot services...

I have now commented on your blog. And. . .


Tallyho. I just said it cause jack and jeremy did. ;)