I kind of miss this blog. I've been doting more on
this one lately, but maybe this one still could serve a purpose too.
You probably don't bother checking it any more. Neither do you. Or you.
But, that's ok. I sort of want to nurse blog back to health, audience or no audience.
Instead of summarizing the entire year of 2010 so far, I will just tell you a little about this current moment.
My degree has proved to be pretty non-helpful. I'm supposed to find a career. There are so few careers that will have me.
My vocation is working with dogs. There is no way I can deny that. But, I have to figure out if my vocation will be the same thing as my occupation or not. Would I love to own my own business? Yes. And no. I think the answer would be yes if I knew a single thing about business. Or if I had money to start one.
And, do I have something relevant and helpful to offer the dog-owning/loving world? It's possible...but I like to tell myself otherwise. God didn't craft me to be a very natural risk-taker. Or a person who has a ton of confidence to try things and make mistakes and keep going. There is a battle raging on inside of my soul; one side beating my little, weak, dim hopes into submission, and the other daring me to fight back by just
doing something.
Emo maybe? Hopefully not. It's actually the truth. And, if there is one crucial thing I have learned this year, it's that being transparent with others may be uncomfortable, but it's so necessary. Ew, I don't even like admitting to admit that. There I go, being honest again.
In conclusion, I hope nobody reads this. Just kidding. But seriously.